With school closures and social distancing happening vulnerable populations may lose access to resources.

If you know of a friend, neighbor, or community struggling with food insecurity or other lack of resources, we encourage you to send them to

Backpack Lunch is intended to connect those in need with neighbors and community members who are able to give.   It is not trying to replace any of the macro systems that help people it is just filling the gaps in a micro neighbor to neighbor way.  Also, It can be used in any area, all you need is someone to start spreading the word.

Right now, we are trying to connect to as many people in need as possible.  Feel free to share this link with your friends, social clubs, faith communities, and other people in your life who may be connected to more vulnerable populations. You are also (of course) welcome to sign up for donations.

I am a family in need

I am ready to help 

I want to become a sponsor


Below are some FAQ’s for reference.

What is this for?
The premise is simple: Connect neighbors in need with neighbors who can help.

Is there a cost?
No. There are no fees associated with

Who can sign up for help?
The goal is to ensure no kids or elderly are stuck at home without access to food, but anyone can sign up. Just be transparent about your situation.

Who can help?
Anyone who is able and willing.

How will it work?
Families in need can sign up, identifying the size of their family and their approximate need.Neighbors who can help can sign up and then they’ll be able to see families near them, who have identified themselves as needing help. The neighbor will be supplied with the family’s email address, at which point they can connect directly via email and discuss ways to help.

If I sign up, does that guarantee my family will get food?
No. This just makes your information available to others looking to help. It doesn’t guarantee any kind of assistance. You should continue to utilize any other means you have to secure food for your family.

Could someone try to take advantage of this system? Of me?
Absolutely. This platform’s sole purpose is to connect people. There are good people and bad people out there. Use your best judgement to determine if the person on the other end is being genuine.

What data will be exposed?
We expose the minimum amount of data possible. When connecting a family with a neighbor, both users will receive an email with each other’s email addresses.
Your last name and address are NOT publicly visible.

How is this different than the other, more established platforms?
We aren’t soliciting donations for food. We aren’t handling the logistics of getting food to families in need. Our primary mission is to connect neighbors.

How is this platform funded?
This platform is funded exclusively through sponsorships. There is no cost to families or volunteers to use it.


A huge thank you to Chelsea Hough of Boise Guru.

Leadership is character in action.